Friday, 29 August 2008

New Routine

One of the things I have learned is to change your routine on a regular basis to keep your body guessing and to mix things up. From what I gather if you keep doing the same thing day after day then sooner or later your body will get used to it and you will not see as much gains coming through. So it is advisable to change your routine every 6-8 weeks or so. In particular mixing up the rep ranges is very important. So one week you may do 3 x 12 and the next week you should do 3 x 8 etc.

As such, I have just changed my full body routine to the following:

Workout A - (3 sets of each with rep ranges between 8 -12)
  • Squats
  • Incline Bench Press
  • Deadlift
  • Military Press
  • BOR
  • Weighted Dips

Workout B -(3 sets of each with rep ranges between 8-12)

  • Lever Hack Squat
  • DB Bench Press
  • Straight Leg Deadlift
  • Shoulder Press
  • DB BOR
  • Cable Pulldown

I alternate between workout A and B three times a week (Mon, Wed, Fri). So one week I do ABA and the next week I do BAB. In terms of weight I have also started to experiment with various pyramid sets. So for instance for Squats I will start off at 70k for 12 then do 80k for 10 and then 90k for 8 etc.

In addition to the above I also start with a 8min HIIT session on the Running machine to get the blood flowing and to warm up. On Tuesday's I still play football and on Sundays I either go for a 30min run or I do 3x8Min HIIT sessions in the gym on Running Machine, Rower and Bike.

I will stick with this for the next 6 weeks or so and then will mix it up again.


Neil Mct said...

hey man

you are right that the body adapts quickly but to rep ranges sooner than exercises

on a three dy full body its fine to perform same lifts but maybe make monday and fri heavy with a light day on wed ie 3 x 20 whereas heavy stuff = 4 x 8

also look to have more pulling than pushing as the average guy is often anterior dominant in the hips and shoulders

Neil Mct said...

oh, and congrats on progress so far :-)