Thursday, 6 November 2008


Quick update as I have been busy lately and not had a chance to post anything.

I have just got back from a 10 day holiday in Dubai. So lots of eating, drinking and generally treating my body like crap! I was a little worried as it was the first time in 6 months I have really let myself go. I was convinced that I had put on at least 7lbs.

However, got back and weighed myself and I had only accumalated a 3lb weight gain. So not that bad! Give me a week and that will be gone again!

First week back in the gym and I have decided to go back to FB for the time being. So I am doing a kind of Chad Waterbury TBT programme but using my own rep ranges. I am also incorporating back-off sets. This is where you reduce the weight by about 40% for the last set and do as many reps as you can until failure. It gives you a good pump and can really help promote muscle growth.

However, I am thinking of trying the Daniel Craig workout which is available on Mens Health:

It seems pretty basic and straight forward and well... it worked for him!

So might give that a bash starting next week.

Am going to work hard over the next 5-6 weeks to drop as much body fat as I can before the christmas binge! Will post progress pics soon.

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