Thursday 1 January 2009

Current Routine

For the last couple of weeks I have been experimenting with an Upper/Lower split and I think I have found a pretty good balance. I have looked at several types of splits including push/pull, body part specific and upper/lower. For me I think the Upper and lower strikes a good balance between a split and a FB. Most of the excercises are based around compounds as in a FB and the upper/lower split allows me to hit all the major muscle groups at least 2 times each per week. Current programme looks like this:

Upper A

DB Bench Press
Incline Bench
Pull Up
Shoulder Press
DB Lat Raise

Lower (inc Arms)

Leg Curl
Leg Press
Bicep Curl

Upper B

Flat Bench
DB Fly
Cable Pull Down
Seated Cable Row
Front Raise

I mix up the set and rep ranges quite frequently. So I may do 3x10 or 4x8 or 5x5. I also drop in back off sets now and again to exhaust the muscle. I tend to do this at least 4 days per week and then also do at least 1-2 cardio based session each week which normally involves a 7km run. I start every session with 10mins HIIT on some form of cardio machine such as treadmill or x-trainer etc.

I feel this provides me with a pretty good balance. It gives me a pretty good pump and allows sufficient rest between upper and lower sessions to give the major muscles time to recover and repair.

Will keep you posted on progress.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great routine.. very similar to mine!



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