Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Men's Health Lucozade Sport Challenge

Wow, I can't believe that I have not updated this blog since February! It wasn't because I have fallen off the fitness wagen so to speak and its not through a lack of motivation. Its mainly due to the fact I have been extraordinarily busy and I have been concentrating on a particular challenge.

Basically, back in March/April I entered a competition through Men's Health to take part in a 13 week Lucozade Sport Strength Challenge. Along with 2 other challengers we were given expert advice by Lucozade Sport scientists and a top personal trainer with the goal of dramatically improving strength and building muscle over a 13 week period.

This involved a series of 'glitzy' magazine photo shoots, one at the start, one half way through and one at the end! So it was an experience to say the least. The challenge was featured in the Men's Health Magazine over a 4 month period and culminated in the final before/after shoot that was in the October edition of the magazine.

So how did I get on??? Well, I will let the picture do the talking:

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Throughout the challenge I had to keep a weekly blog (hence the reason why I was not updating this blog!). All these can be found on the micro-site that was created specially for the challenge which can be found here:

Not only did I pack on a whole load of new muscle but I increased in strength by around 40%. So it was a great challenge and one I throughly enjoyed. However, after 13 weeks of 6 day workouts I needed a bit of a rest. So am still working out but only around 4 times a week, which is more than enough.

Still want to drop some bodyfat and I have let the diet go a little over the last couple of months so the plan is to go on a 8 week fat burning routine before Christmas.

Anyway, as always any questions etc let me know.


Anonymous said...

Your a looking in great shape man, what was your diet like in the amount of carbs/protein/fats ratio ?

I am doing a cut myself and following the neil mct diet plan

Unknown said...
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Peppino P said...
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