Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, the new year is upon us and I wish you all a healthy and prosperous 2009!

For me, I hope that 2009 will bring me much of the same as 2008! Last New Year I made a list of key objectives for 2008! Not resolutions but objectives! In all I came up with a list of about 10. Then I looked at each of them and asked myself which ones would have the biggest impact on my life and I then focused on the top 3.

The top 3 I picked was:
  1. Lose Weight
  2. Set up my own company
  3. Sort out my finances

I'm happy to say that for the most part I was successful in achieving most of the above.

  1. Lose Weight - I lost 45lbs in 2008 and went from 26% bf to just 12% bf. But more than that I have completely transformed my body. Anyone who may have seen my before and after pics will see what I mean! I am the fittest I have ever been and it has completely changed the way I live.
  2. Set up my own company - Throughout 08 I worked hard on pulling together a solid business plan and trying to raise the necessary investment to launch my own business. In October I succeeded in raising the necessary funds which means I am now in a position to launch my own business. At the same time I got a new job with a significant pay rise. So at the moment I am balancing my new job with trying to set up my own company in my own time!
  3. Sort out finances - Still some way to go but I think 09 will take me a significant step forward to becoming debt free! So I can see light at the end of the tunnel!

So all in all a pretty good year! For 2009 my key objectives are as follows:

  1. Get down to below 10% bf and develop a more muscular physique.
  2. Get my business up and running
  3. Work hard in my new job to be a success

That's it! Nice and simple! So come the end of 2009 let's see how I got on!

Happy New Year everyone!

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