Thursday, 1 January 2009

Current Routine

For the last couple of weeks I have been experimenting with an Upper/Lower split and I think I have found a pretty good balance. I have looked at several types of splits including push/pull, body part specific and upper/lower. For me I think the Upper and lower strikes a good balance between a split and a FB. Most of the excercises are based around compounds as in a FB and the upper/lower split allows me to hit all the major muscle groups at least 2 times each per week. Current programme looks like this:

Upper A

DB Bench Press
Incline Bench
Pull Up
Shoulder Press
DB Lat Raise

Lower (inc Arms)

Leg Curl
Leg Press
Bicep Curl

Upper B

Flat Bench
DB Fly
Cable Pull Down
Seated Cable Row
Front Raise

I mix up the set and rep ranges quite frequently. So I may do 3x10 or 4x8 or 5x5. I also drop in back off sets now and again to exhaust the muscle. I tend to do this at least 4 days per week and then also do at least 1-2 cardio based session each week which normally involves a 7km run. I start every session with 10mins HIIT on some form of cardio machine such as treadmill or x-trainer etc.

I feel this provides me with a pretty good balance. It gives me a pretty good pump and allows sufficient rest between upper and lower sessions to give the major muscles time to recover and repair.

Will keep you posted on progress.

Happy New Year!

Well, the new year is upon us and I wish you all a healthy and prosperous 2009!

For me, I hope that 2009 will bring me much of the same as 2008! Last New Year I made a list of key objectives for 2008! Not resolutions but objectives! In all I came up with a list of about 10. Then I looked at each of them and asked myself which ones would have the biggest impact on my life and I then focused on the top 3.

The top 3 I picked was:
  1. Lose Weight
  2. Set up my own company
  3. Sort out my finances

I'm happy to say that for the most part I was successful in achieving most of the above.

  1. Lose Weight - I lost 45lbs in 2008 and went from 26% bf to just 12% bf. But more than that I have completely transformed my body. Anyone who may have seen my before and after pics will see what I mean! I am the fittest I have ever been and it has completely changed the way I live.
  2. Set up my own company - Throughout 08 I worked hard on pulling together a solid business plan and trying to raise the necessary investment to launch my own business. In October I succeeded in raising the necessary funds which means I am now in a position to launch my own business. At the same time I got a new job with a significant pay rise. So at the moment I am balancing my new job with trying to set up my own company in my own time!
  3. Sort out finances - Still some way to go but I think 09 will take me a significant step forward to becoming debt free! So I can see light at the end of the tunnel!

So all in all a pretty good year! For 2009 my key objectives are as follows:

  1. Get down to below 10% bf and develop a more muscular physique.
  2. Get my business up and running
  3. Work hard in my new job to be a success

That's it! Nice and simple! So come the end of 2009 let's see how I got on!

Happy New Year everyone!